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tv   ABC2 News Good Morning Maryland 6am  ABC  October 6, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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rita, she's 93. >> she provides us with cool treasures during the summer season? >> we could honor her with that. >> i wanted to honor you, miss rita, it's 60 degrees this morning. i showed you that put it in perspective. what a huge spread, at the elementary school, it's 39 degrees. that is a big difference. but in just baltimore county, we have 47, and 50 by the water. we're looking at temperatures today that will not be responding to the winds but the sun. we have a light breeze and it's brought back a light chill. we're looking at a good morning
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in low to mid-40s. crisp to 50 by the bay. we're looking for a nice warmup. with lunchtime temperatures at 63, we're aiming for high of 68. cooler than yesterday but we'll get back. let's go to the roads. earlier accident 295 at 198 is now out of the way. we're doing pretty well on the beltway. there is near 795, no issues to report. both loops are moving pretty well. 95 at the tunnel we have two lanes closed. that's bore one that is closed, bore 4 northbound is closed due to signal problems. drive times are doing okay so
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far. we are waking up and in some way your day may be starting with a help of steve jobs from the ipad, the iphone. his death is now being felt worldwide. more on the impact of the death of jobs. >> father of apple, there's a huge void in the world of technology, he died after a battle of cancer. this is video of people leaving flowers outside of the apple store in new york. he will be remembered with changing the world with iphone, ipad. he turned apple into the largest seller of music with
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itunes. in 2009 he received a live transplant. fans and colleagues say he will be remembered for his countless innovations. >> he spent a lot of his last few years making sure that things were ready to go. most of us were glad to have spent time with him there. >> the face of apple, it is a blow to the city. he was an incredible businessman and entrepreneur, incredible personality. >> now many web sites were transformed into online memorials.
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>>, this is what it looks like on this thursday morning. a face, the face of steve jobs. 19 55-2011. we've been asking you your thoughts and memories of him. the ipod, really all apple products, 20 years going, come so far, the world is a better place because of steve job's innovation. >> i'm getting my first. come in this morning, let us know what you think on facebook. any discussion topics and maybe start a few of your own. join in and join the conversation. they're calling themselves the new voice of this
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generation, what is that generation? coming together to get the country's attention on a number of issues. occupy baltimore, live with more. >> they've been here since noon on tuesday. you know they will be here for the long haul. they've been making signs all night. they want you to hear what they have to say. they claim they're the 99% and the 1% of the corporate greed. you can see the signs with the pig and the money hogs that's the message they want you to hear. the protesters have been staying overnight. you can see some sleeping and you have that hammock, they
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have a food station, medic station, a kid-safe zone. tell us about the cause, you're a musician, tell us why you're out here. >> i'm out here because, you know, i feel like we need change, i don't really know what the answers are, i'm not an economist, but we need social change, we need people to feel right about being able to come down and talk and protest and feel safe. we've been feeding people all night, homeless people coming by, telling us about their problems. that helps a lot. >> thank you. we'll join you again later in the hour. again, these folks say they plan to stay here. we'll check back in in the 6:45 hour. looking at this crowd in
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new york. occupy wall street, it exploded in size. demonstrators angry over high unemployment and corporate greed. so far 28 were arrested. this was yesterday. 700 arrested for disorderly conduct. hundreds of protesters taking part, the princeton professor led it down union street to protest corporate greed. this is st. louis, missouri. the protests of the big banks, holding protests and chanting corporate greed has got to go.
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we've been adding videos in our slide show on the occupy wall street. you can go for more on, click on the slide show for some of the latest images. a skate boarder was killed. brandon was hit while skate boarding. he was hit from behind by a car. the car fled the scene. when it's dark the highway is too dangerous. >> he was skate boarding and the car didn't see him and hit him and ran. >> when it gets dark, it's not safe. nobody can see you. >> witnesses describe the car and police found it and the driver. that person was taken in for questioning. police in anne arundel
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county trying to id a man killed in a crash. they spotted a pickup truck and try to pull it over. the truck took off and police followed. the driver lost control. a baltimore family needs your help finding a loved one. he's an alzheimer's patient last seen in august. >> we've been holding search parties, we get up when the sun comes up and go back in at midnight, we search through the woods. the police brought out the sniffing dogs, we lost his scent around mount pleasant golf course. >> he's an alzheimer's patient and a diabetic, call police if you see him. they were trying to do god's work, but neighbor's say they have to do it somewhere
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else. what could be happening in their own backyard. >> reporter: a campaign to fight against bullying kicks off in anne arundel county today. a look at the big names joining the campaign. >> what would you say is more frightening? charlie sheen or anthony weiner? both coming to your door asking for candy. these may not be for kids. let's go to new york for latest in business news. topping america's money, apple after steve jobs. he died yesterday at the age of 56. the stock increased 100 fold. there wasn't much affect when he step down this summer. microsoft may be thinking of
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taking over yahoo. they're one of several potential suiters. today bank of america will get a petition against its new $5 fee on debit card purchases. it's no longer the in color for cars, white is. one in five models this year sold was white.
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c1 % %c1 no parent wants to
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get their kids ready to face a school bully. there's more attention on the issue here in maryland.
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live in anne arundel county with the latest on the initiative. >> reporter: it's a big day here at anne arundel high school. i have to tell you, they have some big names joining them this morning. this is the kickoff to the national bullying prevention month campaign. the goal is to fight against bullying. they will have first lady judge katy and folks from the cartoon network. this month is also parental involvement month. they're encouraging parents to take an active role in their children's life and prevent bullying. thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. why is parent involvement so important? >> parents need to be advocates for their kids and partners with the schools for their
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children. it takes a collective effort. >> reporter: how can parents help? what do you want them to do? >> it goes far beyond checking with the child and saying how was school today? you need to be involved in the classes and the school activities and parent groups, ptas, to know what is going on every day in the school. >> reporter: this is a good thing here and how does it also in terms of bullying, how can parents get involved? >> parents are a key in prevention of bullying. they talk to their kids and to other parents, the worst thing is that nobody says anything. the more information parents have, the better relationships with their children, the better off. >> thank you. of course we talk to you more coming up at 6:45. this you have it, bullying prevention month, parent involvement month. this event kicks off at 8:45
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this morning at anne arundel high school. reporting live, abc 2 news. it's october, looks like parts of california went past fall and into winter. this is video from a ski resort. 4" of snow have fallen so far. looks like their on their way to a good base. >> i was on my way out and had to come back in and do this. >> i know you did. >> they had 9" on the ground in west virginia on monday morning. a lot of it melted, but a sign, it's knocking on the door. right now looking at the spread of temperatures, it's 60 in ocean city, 50 in town. uniform numbers around the bay, cooler numbers north and west. some chill to be found. it's because of high pressure. clear skies in october will do that with long night allowing
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us to cool down. the high pressure in canada providing us a northerly flow. the departmenting storm taking the stronger winds and pushed in a chilly front but on the other side, the winds shift and it's all responsible for this air mass, this is part of a warmer air mass. once we get it to slip back into the region, we swing around and get into the warmer stuff. it's not bad, we have some patchy fog indicated by the satellite and that's common during the month of october. the cool temperatures especially in some of the valleys, you can get some fog and we're virtually cloud-free. through sun and next week, we get a nice break from the storms. boring in the weather department that means you get to go outside and enjoy. 68 for high today. based on the fact we have the
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cooler air mass, some may reach 70. 42 overnight. we could have some frost, some small locations back to 73 tomorrow afternoon. 76 on saturday. pushing that 80 button on sunday and low 80s monday and tuesday. st. paul street is closed for a police investigation. we have some delays at the tunnel. looking at 95. this is north of 195, southbound traffic has most of the volume now. 195, no incidents out to bwi. this is topside of the beltway at harford getting some vol volume on the right of the screen. we have drive times 95, 83,
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outer loop fine. >> got it. >> tanya remembering the drive times. a hotel closing because of a possible legionnaires' out break. three were infected after staying at the hotel. it's not clear if they acquired it at the hotel. tests suggest that it's in the hotel's water. final cultures won't be back until the end of the week. the symptoms of legionnaires' disease is chills, a cough. symptoms set in after being exposed. the disease can be deadly. 18 deaths linked to listeria from the cantaloupe. another death. 100 people have become ill including a pregnant woman in
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iowa who suffered a miscarriage. they are recalled the cantaloupes. last halloween, he was up and becoming a star. now he's a mask. finding out one of the biggest and best halloween costumes out there. it's a congressman. one man says he's been doing it for years with no complaints, now why protests of his display in his yard for halloween. we'll take a look.
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that have earned the keurig brewed seal of approval. the keurig brewed seal is our commitment that the coffee inside will deliver a delicious cup of coffee every time. keurig brewed. look for the only mark of genuine keurig quality.
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one halloween costume is a mask for charlie sheen. he's got big dollars for retailers. the most popular halloween
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costume for adults. as for the kids, you may want to think about angry birds, that's likely to be a big seller too. another popular halloween costume now raising eyebrows. the scandal known as weiner gate, now a halloween costume. it comes with a mask, boxer shorts, we would advice having it for your costume. one man's display is causing a nightmare for his street. he plans to add a live laser and light show complete with dancers. >> i've been doing it for four years, they're having a problem with a bunch of preteen and teenage girls doing a 10-
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minute michael jackson thriller reenactment. >> they said it violates codes and they offered to help move the show to a venue downtown. he says it's too late. he uses it to raise money for make a wish foundation. a train verses a dump truck. you can get see it from inside the train. people scramble for safety. the fight over a homeless shelter in a neighbor has people fired up and speaking out. the story coming up.
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. no one wants to die. even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. yet, death is the destination we all share. >> the genious responsible for how we communicate is now dead. a church's good intentions
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maybe a fight. you may not like paying the extra tax for alcohol, but some say it's giving them a big boost. we'll tell you about that. good morning maryland. let's check on the thursday forecast. the weekend just in sight. here's meteorologist justin. we check out the doppler radar. the elementary school, working on some cool pictures to share with them. winds for change hoping to rally up and see how fast they can raise money. winds not going to be an issue this morning. 49 degrees, winds light out of the northeast. now looking at 50 in downtown baltimore and we're mi


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